Interview Coaching Prices: How Much Should You Pay for Success?

Are you the parent of a college student who's having trouble finding a co-op placement needed to graduate? 

You're not alone in this challenging journey. 

I bring a track record of success to the table, with a 100% success rate in helping my clients secure the jobs they need. 

In this article, I’ll provide an unbiased look at interview coaching prices and insights into the industry's landscape.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Exploring the different pricing models for interview coaching

  • Evaluating the true value of an interview coach: Is it worth the investment?

  • Breaking down the ROI of investing in career coaching, with real salary comparisons and long-term career progression insights

  • Understanding the enduring value of the skills and confidence gained through professional coaching

Dive in to discover how the right coaching can be a game-changer in your child's job search, equipping them with the tools and confidence to secure their co-op and pave the way for a successful career.

How much does an interview coach cost?


Interview coaching can vary widely in price, influenced by the coach's experience, the complexity of the service, and the package selected. 

Here's a breakdown of different pricing models:

  • Hourly-based 1-on-1 coaching: Typically, you can expect to pay between $90 to $300+ per hour. For example, TopInterview starts at $149, while some specialized services like Wall Street Prep can charge up to $400 per hour for their industry-specific expertise.

  • Subscription with courses and group coaching: Some platforms offer monthly subscriptions, which include access to courses and group coaching sessions, such as RocketBlocks, which charges $200 per hour plus a monthly fee of $35.

  • Results-based coaching: This pricing model is less common and can vary greatly depending on the service's structure and the promised outcomes.


Is an interview coach worth it?


Evaluating the cost against doing it on your own, interview coaching can be a valuable investment, especially if you lack confidence or struggle with interviews. 

While students or individuals who are naturally great communicators and have a strong network might feel less need for coaching, even they can benefit from professional guidance. 

Many high-profile professionals across various fields work with coaches to enhance their performance. 

One notable example is Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, who publicly acknowledged the significant impact of coaching on his leadership skills. 

He was initially skeptical about the need for an executive coach but later admitted that working with a coach was one of the best decisions he made, helping him navigate the complexities of leading a global tech giant.

In the world of sports, Serena Williams, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, has consistently worked with various coaches throughout her career to stay at the top of her game. 

Her coaching relationships have been crucial in refining her skills, developing strategies, and maintaining high performance under pressure.

These examples illustrate that even the most successful individuals in their respective fields recognize the value of coaching to further their achievements and maintain peak performance.

Here’s an overview of the different interview coaching prices in the industry:

Company / Coach Service Offerings Deliverables Timeline Price


General interview coaching

Personalized feedback, recorded mock interview 1 hour $149+

The Muse

Career platform coaching 75-minute session, mock interview 75 minutes $155+


Networking platform coaching

Personalized session Variable $129+

Resume Spice

Several career services

30-45 minute mock interview, interview prep 30-45 minutes $179+
Thumbtack Freelance professional services Customized sessions, in-person or virtual  Variable $100+
RocketBlocks Consulting and Product Management focus  Consulting-specific coaching, monthly fee 1 hour $200 + $35/month
MyConsulting Coach Consulting focus  Tailored coaching 1 hour $142 per hour
Wall Street Prep Finance and investment banking focus One-to-one session with ex-bankers  1 hour $400 per hour
Mentor Cruise Mentoring and career coaching Mentoring-based, variable coaching Variable $50-500 per hour

What are the benefits of a career coach?


Let's explore the tangible benefits of investing in a career coach by examining potential return on investment (ROI) through salary comparisons and career progression.


Salary Loss Comparison


Consider the average salary for a recent graduate, which, according to data from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), is around $55,000 per year.

Job Search Duration Impact:

If it takes six months to land a job, that's a potential loss of around $27,500 (half of the annual salary).

Conversely, with effective interview coaching, if the job search duration is reduced to three months, the loss is only about $13,750.

This difference of $13,750 could offset the investment in a career coach.

In addition to the immediate financial benefits of reducing the job search duration through interview coaching, there's substantial long-term value in the skills and knowledge acquired during the process.


Value of Skills Learned


Interview Mastery: Skills like effectively articulating your strengths, handling tough questions, and negotiating offers are not just for the current job search. 

They are crucial for any future career moves. 

By mastering these skills early, you're setting yourself up for success in all future job searches, potentially reducing the time spent jobless and increasing the quality of job offers received.

Confidence Building: Interview coaching often leads to increased confidence, which is a significant asset in professional settings. 

This confidence can lead to better performance in your current job and any future roles, potentially accelerating career progression and salary increases.

Network Expansion: Often, career coaching includes networking advice and strategies, helping you build a professional network that can be invaluable in future job searches, potentially leading to direct job opportunities and insights into the hidden job market.


Long-term Impact:


If you ever need to find a job again, having honed these skills means you can approach the job market more confidently and efficiently. 

Not only do you gain financially, but you also spend less time in career transitions, allowing for more time spent in gainful employment, contributing to retirement savings, gaining experience, and advancing in your career.

Therefore, the investment in a career coach goes beyond the immediate job search. 

It equips you with a toolkit for career success that remains valuable in navigating future job changes, ensuring that each transition is as swift and successful as possible. 

This preparedness can be a significant advantage in a dynamic job market where adaptability and rapid response to opportunities are critical to long-term career success.

Salary and Career Progression Comparison


There is also an important difference between the types of jobs you can get on your own and those you can get with the help of an interview coach. 

Let’s go through some comparisons and projections to see the impact that investing in an interview coach has on your overall career.


Regular vs. Top Company Job:


The average starting salary for a recent graduate is around $55,000, but a position at a top company like Amazon might start at $85,000.

Initial Salary Difference: The difference in the initial salary is $30,000 more per year at the top company.

10-Year Career Progression (Assuming an average annual raise of 3%):  At the regular job, the salary could grow to approximately $74,000 after 10 years.

At the top company, with the same raise rate, the salary could reach around $114,000.

The difference in earnings over 10 years significantly widens (there is a $30,000 gap), illustrating the long-term value of landing a higher-paying job initially, which could be facilitated by effective career coaching.

These examples show that the upfront cost of a career coach can be an investment that pays dividends in terms of salary gains, faster employment, and long-term career progression. 

Investing in a career coach not only helps in securing a job more quickly but can also set the stage for a more lucrative and successful career trajectory.

Is it worth to pay the interview coaching prices?


The true value of investing in interview coaching lies in achieving specific results, not just in accumulating sessions or enhancing your resume. 

What truly matters is securing your dream job. 

Results-based interview coaching focuses precisely on this goal, aligning the coaching process with your ultimate career objectives.

If you're looking for more than traditional session-based coaching and aim to impact your career trajectory significantly, results-based coaching is the way to go. 

With my track record of a 100% success rate in helping clients land their dream jobs, I am committed to delivering the results you need.

When you're ready to take the next step toward your career success, I invite you to book a call with me

This will allow us to discuss your needs and determine if my results-based interview coaching services are the right fit for you. 

Together, we can work towards securing the job that not only meets your expectations but also propels your career forward.